Ecopoetics Texts

I was excited to see Pierre Joris' blog post the other day in which he mentions that he'll be teaching a course called Ecopoetics: Poetry of Ecology & Ecology of Poetry this fall. I've tried something like such a course in various forms a few times over the years, but I am not really qualified to do it. Pierre is. He's agreed to share the list of core texts for the course, which I am delighted to have and to present. I know the Rothenberg, Morton and Snyder - the others I will go into the pile on my desk to be read as soon as I can get to them.

Iijima, Brenda (ed.) The Eco Language Reader, Nightboat Books 2010.
McClure, Michael. Scratching the Beat Surface. Penguin, 1994.
Morton, Timothy. Ecology Without Nature. Harvard University Press, 2009.
Rothenberg, Jerome. Technicians of the Sacred. University of California Press, 1985.
Skinner, Jonathan (ed.) Ecopoetics 6/7(distributed by SPD — Small Press Distribution)
Snyder, GaryThe Practice of the Wild. North Point, 1990.


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