
Showing posts from 2011

Silliman on Anthologies

Food, again

Duncan Biography due in May 2012

Oh Those Odonates...

Sir Ken Robinson on Education

Violence in the Modern World

"the high blasphemy of literary genius"



Slow Food

Robert Bringhurst

Depth Theology

Clayton Eshleman reads César Vallejo

Peter O'Leary

Skinner - Ecopoetics

A Duncan Delirium


Norman Fischer

Cope on Stein

The Imagination of Music

Brief Note on Foley's "Visions"

David Antin

Art in the Streets, again

Twombly, again

Charles Olson on Cy Twombly

The Vegetable Orchestra

Visions and Affiliations

Narrative of the Image: A Correspondence

Goethean Science

Buddhist Cave Temples of Xiangtangshan

Silencing Speech

Sea Birds

First Contact

Cultural Survival

Oldest American Art

Alcheringa Archive

Vivian Maier - Street Photography


Of Nematology

Symposium of the Whole

Olson at Goddard

Slow Food, Slow Poetry

Agribusiness and Slavery

Giraffe-Necked Weevils

The Whole Earth

Eliot Weinberger on Omar Cáceres